It's incredibly sad but necessary to point out that media violence has become a routine part of the daily lives of American children.  Pediatricians are strongly suggesting that parents, lawmakers and the media should take the steps to change that ASAP.  

Here are the CliffNotes:

The new policy statement, from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), calls on pediatricians to routinely ask about children's "media diet," and for parents to limit the violent content their kids see -- whether on TV, online or in video games.

Video gaming is a particular concern, partly because of the advent of 3D technology that creates a "more immersive experience with violence," said statement author Dr. Dimitri Christakis.

The policy statement points to a "proven scientific connection" between virtual violence and real-life aggression, the doctors say.

Let's say 2 percent of the population behaves more aggressively after being exposed to violent media," Christakis said. "Out of the 20 million people who see the latest violent blockbuster, that's 400,000 additional acts of aggressive behavior."

There is evidence that media images of terrorist attacks and other traumatic events can trigger post-traumatic stress symptoms in some children.

Young children, he said, are not mature enough to process those images, and should simply not see them.

With somewhat older kids -- around age 10 -- it's possible they're seeing these things on their phones or iPads, or have heard about them from friends, Beresin said.

"The news can make the world seem like a very scary place," he said. "With young children, it's better that they not see it all. With older kids, talk about what's happening."

Pucker Up Smooooooch!

Yet again a celeb posted a picture to Instagram that's now stirring up some mayjah controversy.  Only this time all the hubbub's over a beautiful, innocent gesture of love between mommy and babe.  You may have seen the stunning pic above floating around of Victoria Beckham and her daughter Harper smooching on the lips...posted by Posh on her daughter's 5th Birthday with the caption: "Happy Birthday baby girl.  We all love you so much"  What's wrong with something as sweet as that you ask??  Well a few weirdos are taking issue with the fact that Posh is puckering up with her lil one "ON THE LIPS"  Oh no, not the LIPS!!!  

Something as seemingly benign as this sparked negative backlash among a small group...BUT beware of the mama bears!  Our big badass tribe of women quickly came to Posh's defense burying the few negative comments on her instagram page with their own feelings of appreciation for the gawwwwgeous image.  "If you see a problem with this pic, you are the problem"  "I still kiss my child on the lips, he's in college"  "Beautiful pic - let love rule"  You said it,  LET LOVE RULE!!!  

If that isn't proof enough that the overriding feeling about this picture is nothing-but-love, some moms have opted to "protest" by snapping and posting pics of themselves with their babes locking lips.  Even we got in on the action!! 

Meanwhile, the Today Show took a poll to see what the public really thinks.  The resounding results below :))  

Do you think it's OK to kiss your children on the lips?

Yes 73%

Sometimes 5%

Never 7%

When they're under a certain age 15%



Mommy Myth Busting

Parents, it's time to take everything you know about thumb-sucking and nail-biting and toss it.  A new study, based on 3-decades of research, has come out suggesting that these two common behaviors among children (and sometimes adults) isn't actually bad for you.  Apparently, all that nasttttay bacteria found under your nails could prevent your lil ones from allergies in the future.  Dang way to confuse us guys.  I mean, first carbs will kill, now pasta's good for wine will make you fat, now it's a MUST for's the devil, now it's Gawdly...I mean can ya get with the program peeps!?'s the full scoop from our hands to yours

NEW REPORT: Pasta DOESN'T Make You Fat!! (Cue the Cheers!!)

Here at HML, we've been chompin at the bit to find someone, ANYONE with even a wee bit of authority to announce to the world that carbs won't actually kill ya. That day is finally here!  And not just anyone is dropping that Bucatini BOMB!  A group of leading scientists in Italy have released a new report saying Pasta DOESN'T actually make you had been shoved down our throats for as long as we can remember.  In fact, it's down right good for ya!  Thank heavens because noodles somehow sucker their way into 70% of our meals.  Easy to prep, insanely satisfying and now reportedly GOOD FOR YOU - what more can a gal ask for?!  The skinny on eating carbs --- right here! AND read below for your way to win 4 Free Meals from Green Chef!!

And in case you missed it on the podcast, Haute Mom's Life is offering a promotion with GreenChef!!  If you're not familiar, it's a service that basically delivers fresh, organic ingredients weekly to your doorstep.  The pasta above is the Mushroom Kale Linguine we made the other night.  Prep and clean-up is fast and easy and the recipes are seriously gourmet.  

If you're interested in trying it out, visit and they'll throw in 4 free meals for FREE!!!!  Also, check out our latest episode of HML right here: