Supermom Stats

For all you supermoms out's a bit of interesting info you may want to know: Moms account for about $2.5 Trillion in spending globally according to Oracle

2 Billion Moms in the world. Average age 25

84% of Millennial Moms rely on recommendations from trusted peers

60% of moms use social media everyday

The Power of Moms

  • Moms represent a $2.4 trillion market
  • Fifty-five percent of active (daily) social media moms said they made their purchase because of a recommendation from a personal review blog
  • 18.3 million Internet users who are moms read blogs at least once a month
  • In 2014, 63% (nearly 21 million) of all online moms will read blogs
  • Moms mention brands an average of 73 times per week compared with just 57 times per week among males
  • Seventy-seven percent of mom bloggers will only write about products or brands whose reputations they approve of, and another 14% will write about brands or products they boycott
  • Ninety percent of moms are online vs. just 76% of women in general
  • Sixty-four percent of moms ask other mothers for advice before they purchase a new product and 63% of all mothers surveyed consider other moms the most credible experts when they have questions