No More Bloat
I'm one of those annoying people who just lovvvvvvves Yoga. But let's be clear. I don't love all yoga, I like hot kind, as in 110 degrees ++++++ Ya know, the kind where you smell last night's dinner on the guy next to you seeping from his pours...the kind that transforms you into a mere puddle of sweat by your third downward dog, the kind where you drop a full Stone by the end of class. For the record, 1 Stone = 14 Frigging POUNDS! A stupid measurement I've always wanted to use. is totally my thing and the teachers are not only zenned-out Gawds but they also know a thing or two about life outside of getting upside down.
So back to being annoying, I actually took Yoga up until my water broke....or a couple weeks before, but you get the pic. Watching me uncomfortably waddle out of class one day, my teacher looked over and kindly said, "Watermelon, girl. It'll change your life." Huh? "Yup, watermelon. Juice the hell out of it and suck that sweetness down after you give birth and voila - you'll de-bloat in no time." I took her word as the gospel and she was SO right. Right around two weeks after having my perfectly precious bambino and drinking the most deeeelish combo of freshly-pressed watermelon/water cocktail, I looked less elephant-woman and more wonder-woman. I can do this. And so can you. Here's how it goes down...
Take your watermelon, cut down into 2inch by 2inch cubes. Throw into blender. Store in a pitcher in the fridge. And that's about it. In order to cut down the amount of times you juice and the calories, I usually pour 1/3 watermelon juice to 2/3 sparkling or flat water. The results are incredible. Fully hydrating, reduces bloat and more health benefits for days. And the best part of all?? When the time's right, add a generous splash of tequila for one of the dreamiest drinks of all time.