I Can't Live Without...

A few things I can't live without... ♥


1) Babiators www.babiators.com $20



2) Vince Camuto "Ristin" ankle boots Most comfortable shoes I've ever owned.  A daily wearer www.macys.com $149 (you can find them less-expensive on other sites)

3) Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes www.target.com $7

4) Baby Minnetonkas www.minnetonkamoccasin.com  $30

5) China Lily all-natural body oil www.enaz.com $15(ish) **Discount if you use: HAUTE MOM upon online checkout

6) My Yiddish Vacation Book www.amazon.com $13 Best gift for your Jewish friends.  

7) NutriBullet Smoothies for me, baby food for them, super easy cleanup www.nutribullet.com $100++

8) Paige Lauren Baby Sack www.paigelaurenbaby.com  $48

9) Audra Velvet Leggings http://audrashop.com $150 

10) Halo Sleep sack www.halosleep.com $26 The best way to transition your baby out of a swaddle