7 Reasons To Take Your Tot To A Live Sporting Event
/We know this is incredibly hard to believe, BUT it actually rained here in Southern California over the weekend. Whoa is me! But seriously, it left us scrambling to find fun family plans that would keep the kiddy entertained and us, dry. By the way, for us So Cal Mommies, this is actually kind of a big deal. Our standard trips to the park, farmers market and zoo, were a big fat no go....so we had to get real creative to fill the Sunday Blues. At that moment it became clear, there's one helluva basketball team, The Clippers, right in our backyard...our friend has season tix...what the hell are we waiting for LET'S GOOOOOO! Up until that point, we'd always thought about bringing our (almost) 2-year old son to the game, but was it really age appropriate? Would it be a bigger burden than "BAM! Why didn't we think of this sooner?!" Truth is, we've been to a lot of Basketball Games and can't remember a time when we'd seen many pint-sized fans in the stands? Turns out, it was just because we weren't looking. So with that, Haute Mommies, here are the Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Toddlers To A Live Sporting Event! (And like we always say: If it's good enough for The Beckhams, it's good enough for us :)
1. Stimulus For Dayzzzzzzzzz - From the furry, friendly mascots, to the thousands of people eagerly walking back and forth, and then there's the actual GAME, there is no shortage of stimulation for the little ones. Our babe slept longer and better than most nights. Game day everyday?? Sign us up!
2. Something For The Whole Family - Not all kid-friendly activities engage the entire family quite like a pro-sports game. This is a win/win (duh...pun intended)
Despite how it looks, he's actually having fun (promise!)
3. Food Food Food - Let's get real, #WeComeForTheNachos Yes Yes Yes! I mean, they're just so damn good. With a side of jalepenos, ummm, need we say more. Other recommendations: killer veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, real hot dogs/hamburgers, sushi, peanuts and on and on and on...Note: be sure to rock an elastic waistband.
4. Get Em Acquainted With Sports Early On - Who knows you could have the next Lebron James on your hand.
5. Kids 2 Or Younger Are Free - Check with each venue/location. We looked online at the Clippers website and all children 2 years of age or younger are F R E E !!!
6. Make Great Memories - Be sure to look your best because you'll want to snap tons of pix...Great for posting and for making you feel like Mommy-Of-The-Year in years to come. And who knows, the kiss cam is always looming :)
7. A Screaming Child Ain't No Thang - The BEST part about this whole shibang is that there are thousand of screaming freaks, uh, I mean, fans in the stands so adding one more to the mix with your vocal child is just part of the fun. No shhhhhhssssshhhhh'ing!!! here.