Old Navy, New Love!
When I hear "Old Navy", I think: Seriously affordable, sometimes cute, all-american...memorable advertising! Like the kinds of commercials you can't shake from your brain. Case and point: Amy Poehler in the new "Art is Dead, Jeans Are Alive" ad. So for that reason, the brand usually catches my attention but it was only until recently, after giving birth to my bundle-of-love that I found a new love in Old Navy. Lemme break it down for ya. The baby clothes are well enough made, just as good as any of the other basic brands out there BUTTTTT a fraction of the cost. Like $10 for two pairs of pants, $15 for a pack of 3 long-sleeved onesies and even halloween costumes for $8. The sales?! I mean, fuggget about it. When your kids outgrow their polka-dot polos after one wear, the key is, buy more, for a whole lot less. And Old Navy makes that possible. So...in true Haute Moms Club fashion, I scoured the site and I stocked up on basics, LOTS OF THEM. And the good news??? You may even find something snazzy for yourself :) Here are some recommendations. www.oldnavy.gap.com