How Carrie Underwood Squats With A Bun In The Oven
If you caught the CMAs on ABC last week, you may have had to pull your jaw up off the ground after seeing the beautiful, pregnant, Carrie Underwood hosting the night's spectacular alongside Brad Paisley. This girl looked friggin FIERCE and seriously didn't miss a beat! All I could keep thinking, there's no way in HELL I could have done that with a bun in the oven. Costume changes, bright lights, a room full of Country's biggest stars, can we say, IN TIM ID ATING!!??? But Carrie, the true pro she is, nailed it and with a HUGE smile on her face the entire time. Is it luck? Is she just one of those women who lovesssss being pregnant (ehhhh) or could it have something to do with this?? Take a gander: